Dimitar Georgiev Kochkov


Professional biography

9/2014 – 3/2015 Head of production and technical Division (Deputy Manager) – Pleven W&S operator

9/2013 – 8/2014 MP in the 42nd National Assembly

5/2006 – 8/2013 Head of production and technical direction (Deputy Manager) – Pleven W&S operator

4/2002 – 5/2006 Chief Engineer - Pleven W&S operator

9/1992 – 4/2002 WWTP Chief Technologist - Pleven W&S operator, Pleven WWTP

9/1991 – 8/1992 Head of shift - Pleven W&S operator, Pleven WWTP

Education and training

1986 – 1991 University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geology – Sofia, Hydro-faculty, professional qualifications: Master Civil Engineer in Water Supply and Sanitation /Wastewater treatment/

2003 – 2006 St.st. Cyril and Methodius University, Veliko Tarnovo qualification: Master of Psychology

Additional training

2003 – 2004 Academy of Economics "D.Tsenov" – town of Svishtov, Postgraduate “Business Organization and Management”

Another career

2009 – 2010 Key expert on sewage and wastewater treatment / Seureca, Kruger, Atkins, Hidroptoerkt

2002 – 2007 Expert / Ciba Specialty Chemicals

Designer of full design capacity

Participation in infrastructure projects EUROPEAID / 124337 / D / SER / BG, BG161PO005 / 10 / 1.11 / 03/19, EUROPEAID / 1244485 / D / SV / BG and many local small and medium-scale projects

Language skills

Fluent in English and Russian